Introduction to Psychology

Psychology is

Psychology is an experiential subject that scientifically studies human behavior and psychological processes contributing to many fields ranging from humanities to natural sciences, engineering, and art.

This is because all fields related to humans require academic support from psychology, a study on human behavior and thinking, directly or indirectly. In particular, as we become a highly information-oriented society, problems related to human quality of life are increasingly important, and human characteristics such as sense, perception, thinking, personality, intelligence, and aptitude must be considered.

Current Status of Korean Psychology

Korean Psychological Society Braves 71 Years of Tradition

With 15 sub-academia, more than 16,000 members, and 13 journals registered by the Korea Research Foundation, the 71-year-old Korean Psychological Society has now grown to be the best of the nation's social science societies. In addition, over the past decade, the activities of members of the Korean Psychological Society have been rapidly expanded from domestic to overseas, from specialized areas to areas of social and general public interest.

Establishment of medium- and long-term development directions internally, externally and internationally

As a result, Korean society and Koreans, who want to overcome uncertainty, irrationality, and escalation of conflict wisely and scientifically, have recently been asking psychology for its way. This is a very natural phenomenon in that psychology is a study that scientifically studies individual happiness, communication between individuals, cooperation between groups, and social integration, not desk theory or huge discourse.

However, along with these social demands, the recent entry into the academic world and rapid changes in Korea and the international community require the Korean Psychological Association to come up with leading and effective countermeasures and development plans.

The Korean Psychological Association aims to set three medium- and long-term development directions internally, "a society that provides services that impress members," externally, "a society that benefits the general public and local community," and internationally, "a society that leads the Asian psychology community."